disclosures (n.) , [sing. disclosure]
related Results
flow sheet {met.}
كشف بالعمليات المتتابعة {رسم يبين الخطوات المتتالية في عملية إنتاج}، {المعادن}
roster (n.)
to unclothe (v.) , [ unclothed ; unclothed ]
to show (v.) , [ showed ; shown / showed ]
to nail (v.) , [ nailed ; nailed ]
to expose (v.) , [ exposed ; exposed ]
to excavate (v.) , [ excavated ; excavated ]
to discover (v.) , [ discovered ; discovered ]
to disclose (v.) , [ disclosed ; disclosed ]
to lay open (v.)
to unearth (v.)
to divulge (v.)
to dig out (v.)
to find out (v.)
to detect (v.)
to open up (v.)
to bare (v.) , [ bared ; bared ]
vision (n.) , [pl. visions]
to unwrap (v.) , [ unwrapped ; unwrapped ]
to unfold (v.)
to uncover (v.) , [ uncovered ; uncovered ]
schedule (n.) , [pl. schedules]
to wray (v.)
to unearth (v.) , [ unearthed ; unearthed ]
to uncloak (v.) , [ uncloaked ; uncloaked ]
to unbosom (v.) , [ unbosomed ; unbosomed ]